Monday, December 18, 2006

Hyatt Hotel Tree, originally uploaded by kwadephotos.

It's the week before Christmas, and instead of being home shopping and writing Christmas cards - here I am in Greenville, NC for work. Thank goodness for USPS Priority Mail and FedEx so when I get back I can ship presents on Wedensday. And I hope my friends and family don't mind instead of Christmas Cards they'll be getting "Happy New Year" cards.

Training went well. I was worried about the people that had been there a few years being bored, but everyone was enthousiastic and very nice.

The one night out the office took me to Soby's resteraunt in downtown Greenville. It was awesome! I really enjoyed the southern fusion cooking. It also didn't hurt that at the table right next to us sat Tommy Lasorda and Jim Rice.

After dinner, Barb and I went back out to the car so I could retrieve my camera. Here is a photo from the Hyatt Hotel. The only light in this hallway was the tree and what was outside, and flash from my camera would have just ruined the mood. So I just prayed while leaning against the elevator entry for support that wasn't the moment someone decided to come to the floor we were on! Times like this I really wish I had a really light weight tripod or monopod (I've been eyeing one by Manfrotto - hint, hint Santa Clause...).

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