Friday, August 31, 2007

Back to Texas.

Raven, originally uploaded by matrixchic.

I enjoyed my trip back home to visit my family. It had been way too long since I'd been back, and the trip was way too short. I was just glad I didn't have to be the one to pack the truck and drive my Grandmother's 3,300 lbs of stuff from middle-of-nowhere Kansas to Plano, TX (nevermind factoring in the August Summer heat). The truck arrived the Tuesday before I did. But somehow I was deligated the job of breaking down boxes. oh well...

My 2 year old niece, Raven, is so headstrong and outgoing. Nothing stands in her way (hee hee, sounds familiar...) and she never sits still, what a ball of energy! She is such a doll and I can't wait to see her again. Michelle & Brian are doing such a good job.

I'm also looking forward to my nephew Zander's arrival in November.

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